We all know the tedious or the common meaning of the word 'Overtime' as hours worked in excess of the normal shift during the full-time daily or weekly assigned schedule. But to many others, it could mean the chance to progress and prove oneself's ability to be a reason for an institution's prosperity.

The head of a foundation must always try and find the empathy & sensibility to reward such progression, especially when it's out of the designated working schedule or plan of work. In other words, they need to manage their employees' 'Overtime'.
It can always be an easy task as long as you stay away from eye-gauging Excel sheets and dreary, non-responsive systems which all require a lot of manual entries where any human may err.
Smart Way Business Solutions has made such management and calculation even easier for anyone using Odoo ERP.
Our 'HR - Overtime Management' smoothly automates all of your overtime calculations once configured properly either to overtime calculation by request or based on employee attendances in addition to setting the rates for Work Days and Holidays Overtime.
Once the configurations have been fittingly set, the workflow associated with the 'Overtime Request' commences with three levels of approval, by the Direct Manager of the requester, the Department Head, and last but not at least and most importantly; the HR Manager. The workflow's chain of approvals can't be broken by either of the three, as one of them can only approve the request and move it up the workflow when the one before them approves it.