It’s been a long journey so far, a journey with no final destination. We have adopted the philosophy of an ‘infinite game’ proposed by Simon Sinek. The philosophy explains how in order to truly succeed you must play a game with no end, where your biggest goal is to continually become better than the organization you were yesterday.
We have also come to realize that it's impossible to do everything on your own. Good teamwork builds successful organizations;
Our team far extends that of our office walls, we are blessed to have such a supportive, competent and experienced team of Odoo employees behind us, helping us whenever we’ve needed it. None more so than Mr. Maxim Vandenbroucke (our account manager). Maxim truly embodies and emits the values of ‘partnership’ and has been our biggest supporter
A Silver Parnter!
On Thursday, January 10th we were promoted to Silver partners, the first and only in Jordan. One of the most important milestones of our life as a company so far, with many more coming down the line!

We got a cool new logo too!

We will soon be paired with a new Odoo team based out of Dubai and are sad to see our old ones go, but life is about
The year 2018 has definitely been a cloudy one, but we have always been able to look at the silver lining and push through the struggles, we’re looking forward to the fruits of 2019.
Thank you all for being part of our journey and remember “if you have an opportunity to do something great, bring someone with you”- Simon Sinek.